Specialized Preparation
ZYCOSIL, organo-silicon based, nano-size, eco-friendly, water-based water proofing agent. Meets the toughest VOC standards of California, USA. Forms a clear, water like solution. Useful for new & existing concrete & masonry structure. Spary / brush / roller application with ease. UV, Thermal stability (20+ years). Nano sized ZYCOSIL delivers protection deep into the masonry pores (5-200nm) where other conventional film formers cannot reach.ZYCOSIL guarentees unmatched hydrophobicity on various building materials. Consumption for a specific substrate will depend on the porosity of the substrate.
Water proofing, Nano-technolog, Eco-friendly, hydrophobicity,Read More
speciality polymers
Address: 25-A, Gandhi Oil Mill Compound, Gorwa, Vadodara - 390016, Gujarat,
Vadodara, Other
India, 390016
Tel: 0091-265-2280120
Fax: 0091-265-2280872