Specialized Preparation
New generation fuel efficiency enhancer. ZYCRYL-15 (Patented) improves fuel efficiency of Fuel Oil / Light Diesel Oil by 8-10%; simply by addition of 4% water in it, using low pressure emulsification technique & low shear , at a very low capital investment. ZYCRYL-15 Benefits : Almost complete fuel combustion, Reduced carbon deposition, Reduced black smoke, Less air requirement, Reduced SOX, NOX, CO, Reduced flame size, Larger radiant cooling zone, Increased thermal efficiency at reduced cost, Easy maintenance, Reduces pollution.........
Combustion, Atomizer, Fuel Oil, Furnace, Boiler, Thermo pack,Read More
speciality polymers
Address: 25-A, Gandhi Oil Mill Compound, Gorwa, Vadodara - 390016, Gujarat,
Vadodara, Other
India, 390016
Tel: 0091-265-2280120
Fax: 0091-265-2280872