Shelter Tent


Shelter Tent Manufacturing Co,.Ltd is a leading tent company concentrate on the design, manufacture, sell and rent of clear span tents both in China and all over the world. 閳ユ法uality first, Service-oriented 閳?is our mission . The introduction of high-tech raw materials and adoption of the most advanced tents technology from Europe together with the innovative ideas from our experienced technicians enable us to provide our customer high quality clear span structures. All the tents we manufactured are well-designed with high quality materials which are fire retardant, water proof and wind resistant. Shelter Tent offers large tent structures and related integration services.All the tents can be used for various applications such as wedding events, outdoor party, outdoor event, exhibition and fairs, warehouse and industrial filed.

All of our Wedding Tents are for sale and are a great addition to any tent rental line-up. Tent rental companies around the world offer our Wedding Tents for hire.

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Shelter Tent

wedding tents,party tents,event tents

Address: Chaotian Industrial Zone,Shilou Town,Panyu District,Guangzhou City,Guangdong China,
guangzhou, guangdong
China, 511400

Tel: 020-66603258


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