Yu Fan Hardware Electric Co., Ltd.


Our enterprise have high efficiency and refined manage, have the extractive produce and process, The product are exported to occident, east-asia etc. We have absolute first grade equipment and excellent inspect instrument "three coordinate" and test equipment about aluminium alloy, zinc alloy die-casting, steel cast, forge copper, casting cooper, punch stretch and machined process. The production management is rigorous, quality refinement. Warmly welcome the elites
from all over the world developing hand in hand.

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Yu Fan Hardware Electric Co., Ltd.

camping gas stove

Address: No.502, Kang Ju A, Jian Yi Tian Di, Chang An Town Dong Guan City,
Dong Guan, Guangdong
China, 523303

Tel: 0769-82389236
Fax: 0769-81872001


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