Lansa Pharma Co.,Ltd


Lansa Pharma Group Ltd. Is a leading supplier and exporter of pharmaceutical and health care products for human in China, focusing on scientific production, import and export of finished medicines items.
More information about us, kindly visit our group website:

Lansa Pharma Group Ltd specialize in this filed for many years, our products including: Tablets; Capsules; Granules; injection; infusion; Spray and Syrup; Oral Suspension; Biological.
All ready exisited markets and plan to enter into markets:
Asia: Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen.
Africa: Nigeria,Ghana, Kenya,Cameroon, Angola, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Congo, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Malawi, Somalia, Tanzania.
South America: Venezuela, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Cuba.
Europe:Macedonia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Estonia, Latvia.
Any interested distributor, please contact us about product registration, importing and/or marketing our products in your country or region.

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Lansa Pharma Co.,Ltd

Pharmaceuticals preparation, Tablet, Capsules, Powder for injection, Syrup, Aerosol, Injection, Suspension

Address: No 6, Jiheng Road,Shijiazhuang,China,
Shijiazhuang , HeBei

Tel: 0086-311-67668828


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