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Mobile Gold Centrifuge Plant

Mobile Gold Centrifuge Plant


STLB series Gold Centrifugal Concentrator Working principle
1. Fluidization water is introduced into the concentrate cone through a series of fluidization holes.
2. Feed slurry is then introduced through the stationery feed tube and into the concentrate cone. When the slurry reaches the bottom of the cone it is forced outward and up the cone wall under the influence of centrifugal force.
3. The slurry fills each ring to capacity to create a concentrating bed. Compaction of the concentrating bed is prevented by fluidization process.
4. The flow of water that is injected into the rings is controlled to achieve optimum bed fluidization. High specific gravity particles are captured and retained in the concentrating cone.
5. Upon conclusion of the concentrate cycle, concentrates are flushed from the cone into the concentrate launder through port.

Mobile Gold Centrifuge Plant, Mobile Gold Centrifuge Plant,

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Jiangxi Shicheng Mine Machinery Factory

Sawtooth Wave Jig Separator

Address: Industrial Park, Shicheng,
Ganzhou, Jiangxi
China, 236598

Tel: 86-157-79860837


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