Electronics Production Machinery
Circuit 1: The circuit is imported to the lower left corner of the new board as circuit 1.
Circuit 2: The circuit is imported to a point X = 4000, Y = 0, and then rotated 90° counterclockwise.
Circuit 3: The circuit is imported to a point X = 4000, Y = 4000, and then rotated 180° counterclockwise.
To import a product as a circuit:
Open the product into which you want to import a product.
Select the Product menu bar heading.
Select the Import Circuit menu option. The Import Circuit dialog box is displayed.
From the Products list box, select the product to import.
Select OK. A second dialog box is displayed.
In the Start X data field, enter the desired distance in the X direction from the lower left corner of the circuit (imported product) to the lower left corner of the board.
In the Start Y data field, enter the desired distance in the Y direction from the lower left corner of the circuit (imported product) to the lower left corner of the board.
In the Rotation data field, enter the desired rotation of the circuit (im-ported product) on the board.
Select OK to import the product as a circuit. A message is displayed indicating the import was successful.
47139607 Rev. - Product Editor
Use the Print option to print data associated with the current product to the default printer.
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SMTSKY Electronics Limited
SMT Spare Parts
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