Wire Mesh
High Security Fence
High security fence is the ultimate security fencing system. The close mesh is used in
prisons and other secure facilities as it is virtually impossible to climb. The close mesh
also means that the fence is very difficult to cut with anything but power tools. The high
security fencing system has been recently developed to make it more secure than ever. The
panels are covered by a continuous heavyweight clamp bar, which offers no place for leverage
to prise it off. The system also has no removable fixings meaning that panels cannot be
removed by would be intruders.
The system also utilises cylindrical corner posts meaning that the fence line can run off at
any angle, meaning that the fence is easy to install in almost any situation.
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Anping Hongzhou Hardware & Wire Mesh Co.,Ltd.
wire mesh
Address: South Anping Industrial developing zone, Hebei,China,
Anping, Hebei
China, 053600
Tel: 86-318-7800399
Fax: 86-318-7800499