PTFE Coated Fiberglass Tape with Premium Food and Medical Grade is fiberglass fabric impregnated with PTFE dispersion and coated with high-temperature, pressure-sensitive silicone adhesive.
PTFE Coated Fiberglass Tape with Premium Food and Medical Grade is the ultimate in quality. Premium glade is constructed from plied yarns of fiberglass, affording more strength and greater absorption of the impact created by the high speed cycling of packing equipment. Excellent choice for use with the packaging industry as a release surface on heat sealers, blister formation and form-fill-seal equipment, and PVC welding of vinyl windows in the composite aircraft industry. The durability and anti-stick properties of makes it an ideal material for the lining of guide rails, chutes and slides.The high temperature capabilities and non-stick properties allow them to perform as an excellent release surface in the composite aircraft industry.
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industrial materials
Address: Room 12A01,Building A,NO 115 West Huifeng Road,South City Commerce Building,Yinzhou District,Ningbo,China ,
ningbo, zhejiang
Tel: 0086-574-87646556