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wholesalers oil paintings reproduction from china


Absolutely. Our artists use their eyes, hands and senses to paint each art works. We use only the best materials, we import high quality oils for producing the paintings, that is why they can be well collected for several decades without any color fading. Meanwhile, all of our artists are well educated through the professional art academy and most of them have more than 10 years artist career. The most important, we have our independent Inspection Department, which have a team of 8 master teachers that control the quality of each painting before shipment. Our company two decades experience has strongly proofed that our products have enjoyed a well quality reputation in the oil painting market.
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China oil paintings & arts Co., Ltd

oil paintings

Address: 331,No.390 Jiahe Road ,Xiamen ,China,
xiamen, Fujian
China, 361009

Tel: 86-592-5613915
Fax: 86-592-8450151


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