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Installation of a pool safety fence will keep your children away from the pool area and prevent tragic accidents. It is an investment for homeowners who want to protect their most valued treasures their children.
Swimming Pool Fence – Add a swimming pool barrier that helps protect children from entering the pool area unsupervised. Fitted for any pool shape, our pool fences keep your swimming pool safe and give you quick, easy access.
Swimming Pool Fence must comply with the following key requirements:
Pools must be surrounded by a pool fence which fully separates the pool from any residential building situated on the premises.
must have latching devices located at least 1.5meters above floor level and window must be permanently fixed so as not to open more than 100mm or be provided with other approved barriers. There must also be no foot-holds, which enable a child to reach the latching or locking device or climb through the windows.
Pool fencing must be not less than 1.2meters high measured from the outside except for boundary fencing which must have a height of not less than 1.8meters high.
Pool gates must open outwards from the pool area and they must be self-closing and self-latching at all times.
The vertical components in the fences must not be more than 100mm apart.
The horizontal members in the fence must not be less than 900mm apart.
The space below the fence must not be more than 100mm.
The latching device on the gates must not be less than 1.5 meters above ground level, or alternatively the latching device is to be located on the inside of the gate/fence and be shielded so it is only accessible by stretching over the gate/fence.
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Pischan Pool Fence Factory
pool fence
Address: Renmin road, Anping county, Hebei, China,
Anping, Hebei
China, 053600
Tel: 86-318-204362178
Fax: 86-318-204362178