Translation Services
No matter you want to register a company, buy an apartment or a car, or get a new job in China or apply for your Chinese Driving License, you have to translate your passport or your ID Card, your Certificate of Non-criminal Record or your Driving License into Chinese by a qualified and certified translation agency. As the officially certified translation agency here in Qingdao China with over 13 years of experiences in translation business, we can provide all certificates translation, including Passport Translation, Visa Translation, ID Card Translation, Driving License Translation, Driver License Translation, Driver’s License Translation, Certificate of Non-criminal Record Translation. With the translation of the certificates sealed with our company seal, you can use the Chinese certificate translation to register your company, buy your apartment or car, take your new job and get your Chinese Driver License.
Passport Translation, Driving License Translation,Read More
Chinese Learning...
Qingdao OM Translation Co., Ltd.
Qingdao translation company
Address: 24th Floor Tianzhi International Building, Qingdao Free Trade Zone,
Qingdao, Shandong
China, 266555
Tel: 0086-532-86766759
Fax: 0086-532-86766759