Speaker,Trumpet & Buzzer
Sell Piezo buzzer
A Piezo Buzzer is made from two conductors that are separated by Piezo crystals. When a voltage is applied to these crystals, they push on one conductor and pull on the other. The result of this push and pull is a sound wave. These buzzers can be used for many things, like signaling when a period of time is up or making a sound when a particular button has been pushed. The process can also be reversed to use as a guitar pickup. When a sound wave is passed, they create an electric signal that is passed on to an audio amplifier.
piezo buzzer, piezo sensor,Read More
Changzhou Manorshi Electronics Co.Ltd.
Address: 6-11#,Tian Run Garden, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China,
Changzhou, Jiangsu
China, 213000
Tel: 86-519-89185710
Fax: 86-519-89185720