Oriental machine is a very simple, versatile, fast and considerably painless diode laser hair removal machine which emits 810nm wavelength laser light to remove unwanted hairs permanently. Hair removal with the diode laser is highly comfortable. The gradual heating of hair follices by rapid movement of handpiece on the skin accompanying low fluence high repetion rate shots cause coagulation of hair follice and break down them permanently with little pain. The powerful contact type skin cooling system is also very effective to reduce pain. Oriental-laser is designed to make the treatments comfortable not only for patients but also for the beauty specialists.
Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine, Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine,Read More
Oriental-Laser (Beijing) Technology Company
Diode Laser Hair Removal Machine,Portable Laser Hair Removal Machine,SHR Diode Laser Hair Removal
Address: 2F Jia2 Building No.26 Xihongmen Road,
Beijing, Beijing
China, 100000
Tel: 86-10-62258470
Fax: 86-10-60299801