AAAC,AAC,ACSR,AACSR,ACSR/AW Conductors have been widely used in power transmission lines with various voltage levels,because they have such good characteristics as simple structure,convenient installation and maintenance,low cost large transmission capacity.And they are also suitable for laying across rivers valleys and the places where special geographical features exist.
AAAC conductor is made from aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy of high electrical conductivity containing enough magnesium silicide to give it better mechanical properties after treatment. These conductors are generally made out of aluminum alloy 6201. AAAC CONDUCTOR has a better corrosion resistance and better strength to weight ratio and improved electrical conductivity than ACSR CONDUCTOR on equal diameter basis.
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hebei huanya cable co.,ltd
wires and cables
Address: Nanma Industrial Zone in Renqiu city , Cangzhou, Hebei,
cangzhou, hebei
Tel: 86-0317-2810366