Construction Machinery

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Electric Car Ferry

Electric Car Ferry


Car ferry is an important equipment in the production of aerated concrete equipment. Its main function is to move the mold or the steam curing car onto the designated track. To move smoothly, not producing strong vibration and avoid damaging the embryoid body. It plays an irreplaceable role in the air-flip aerated concrete brick equipment.

The machine is essential in the production process of aerated concrete products. It is used to transport the blank body into the autoclave for steam curing. After steam curing, it transports the blank body to the finished product line. And also, it carries the mold to the pouring line.

ferries, Car Ferry,

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Gongyi Fuwei Heavy Machinery Plant

aerated block machine, AAC Line, brick machine, aerated machine, aerated concrete equipment, aerated block machine, aerated brick machine, sand aerated brick machine.

Address: Mid Xinxing Road,
Zhengzhou, Henan
China, 451200

Tel: +86-371-60263088
Fax: +86-371-86522382


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