Medical Supplies
The finger splints are constructed of malleable aluminum with foam padding, which provides comfortable immobilization and protection for the finger. These finger splints are made to comform to your anatomy for a perfect fit and optimal shock absorption.
1) Maintains interphalangeal joints in correct position for distal joint injures
2) Malleable arms can be fold to hold finger-Foam lined aluminum splints can be cut then contoured to finger
3) quarter-inch foam padding
4) good air permeability
5) radiolucent
6) environment-friendly
1) Maintains interphalangeal position for injuries to distal joints
2) Malleable arms are fold to hold finger in desired position.
3) Protects injured finger and prevents motion-induced pain.
4) Finger fractures/dislocation /strains, post-operation rehabilitation
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Anping Longji Medical
splints, had immobilizer, tactical tournquet, finer splints, IV armboard and cervical collar
Address: 11-4-601 Tianshan Park Communty, East Development Zone,
Shijiazhuang, Hebei
China, 050000
Tel: 0086-311-68078629
Fax: 0086-311-85906019